Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The little things make me happy....

If you know me well, you know I LOVE yard work!
Today was no exception....I love, love, love it :)

Yup, straight lines and everything...feels great to have everything clean cut and looking good :)

 My garden is thriving as well. So far, I haven't killed anything! lol

 My tomatoes and Green Peppers are starting to look good too!

 Meet the new addition to my apple tree! I debated forever where to place this thing, I bought a semi dwarf, so it will add the needed shade for my garden (eventually), but the soil is so good in the garden, I could stand to see it struggle somewhere else. Here's hoping to it being fruitful next year! Strawberries!! 
I have already picked 2 batches and made some yummy cakes with them. 
I am sure we will put them to good use!

My peach tree now has peaches!! So excited!

It's great to see all the hard work pay off.
Although, yard work is very therapeutic to me, so it doesn't really feel like 'work'.

 My flowers seem to be doing great too..

I can't count the number of people who comment on my rose bush.
I have loved the color and what it adds to the look of my home.

I love that summer is HERE!

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