Thursday, June 6, 2013

The 'Grotto Trail'

What a way to kick off hiking season!
We had fun hiking the 'Grotto Trail' with some fun people!

 Kaylee, Paige, Gracie, Marin and Kimee

 I love my Kimee!

 What in the world!!! Oh My...these girls thought they found a piece of poop! It was so entertaining to them..I didn't have the heart to tell them it was only a pine Sheesh...GIRLS!!

 Me and my BFF Codi :)

 None of the other kids wanted to sit on the bridge, so we sat there to show them it wasn't dangerous. They all thought they were going to fall in the water...

 We took a break for lunch. This is what happens when you get these 3 crazy girls together...ha!

Paige trying to catch a grape from Kaylee....she was only able to catch it one time.
Good Job Paige!

It was such a perfect day for a hike!
ahhh...I could get used to this :)

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