Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Such a great day with my girls!
I took them to Diamond Fork Canyon and we had well.....a blast!

We 'attempted' to make fishy-faces....but pretty much

I finally taught Kaylee how to start a fire...she did such a great job!

I must say....our roasting skills rock! They turned out PERFECT :)

Kaylee kept taking pictures, so this is the look I gave her...too funny!
I guess this is what you get when you turn over your camera to your

Kaylee and her mad smore skills....

My girls make me smile.....always :)) Such a fun day with them.

 The smores were AWESOME.....but so was the awesome blue, clear sky.
We haven't seen many days like this so far this year...((love))

We stopped at the Spanish Fork Reservoir on our way home...just for fun...

These two kiddos sure make me smile :)

I had a great Mother's Day with my girls...they sure do make me smile.
Thanks Kaylee and Kimee.....for making this mom stuff so much fun.
I love you.... XOXO

 This was the awesome sunset me and the girls got to enjoy up at the reservoir...
what a great way to end the day :)

....and, my beautiful Mother's Day flowers....

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