Friday, May 31, 2013

Quote of the day

I will only post quotes that apply to my life....this is no exception :)

I am so proud of BOTH my girls...they are on the right road doing the right things....
I couldn't be more proud of them :)

The Team Kaylee chose to play on is..............................

U13 HC Storm Select Team !!!!!


Kaylee will say goodbye to her current team and play up a year!!
She will join the 13 year old girls as their full time starting Keeper!!!!
Kaylee is a bit nervous to play up a year, but excited at the same time!!

Here is a copy of her offer letter:

How fun is it to see 'Keeper' next to Kaylee's name!!!

We are all so excited for this new chapter in Kaylee's soccer life!
She is beaming from ear to ear. Let the soccer season begin!!
Good luck Kaylee! You will do AWESOME!

Thanks for all those who have called/texted/ and came over to congratulate her.....

I posted this on facebook and was overwhelmed with all those who 'liked' it...on top of all those who decided to call her as well. Thank you for your support and sharing in my daughters excitement/success!!

Here's to yet another exciting soccer season!

Soccer Tryouts!!

This has been a LONG and EXHAUSTING week for all of us. 
Trying out for different teams has been very stressful!

Option: 1
She was approached during the State Cup Soccer Tournament by Avalanche....

 Option 2:
Utah Celtic...where 3 of her fellow teammates are going (in Orem, UT)

Option 3 & 4:
Her current Team OR playing up a year with the U13 Girls

Option 4:
Go with another 4 of her fellow teammates and play for Utah FC


All we can give Kaylee is the pros and cons of each team and let HER make the decision....
Can't wait to see what she chooses!
I feel like it's the NFL draft!! Which jersey will she choose???!!!!

Trampoline fun

Kaylee called her friend Addie (who lives across the street) to come over and play....
 We have had a lot of fun with this fun camera :)

Having lots of 'GOOD' friends has been such a blessing in our life!
....and what a good life we have :)

What's for dinner?

One of our all time favorites of course!
BBQ Chicken Salad and a Strawberry Torte Cake!

Remember to always use BYU Ranch!

My girls were pretty excited there were 'extra' strawberries left over :)
BTW, we used the strawberries from our garden!!!! :)))

I love being home long enough to finally get back into baking!
Not too mention, my house feels clean, organized and just where I need it to be :)

Some Summer FuN!!

I was outside mowing my lawn and came in to get a drink...but look who was blocking the stairs!!
I was shocked!! Kaylee was actually allowing someone to play with her hair! She was actually acting all girly...this is a rare thing for little miss soccer player :)

Then I found Kaylee playing with her sister and a different friend...gotta love how she is the one pulling them!
These kids are pretty creative with how they have fun!
ahhh....summer time is here! I love it!

Last Day of School!

I can't believe another year of school is over!
 I now have a 6th grader and 5th grader!! Am I really THIS old???

My girls wanted to give their teachers a treat, so this is what they decided :)

Kaylee received this award in her class. Can't say I am surprised, she is always doing something to help others. She is a great example of service. Good job Kaylee!

Kaylee's 5th grade report card.
Good job Kaylee!

How lucky am I??? This is what was left on my desk on the last day of school.
I sure do feel the love!

One of my letters.....

..and another...

...and another...

...and another.

I just love my job(s)!! I love that hard work pays off in more ways than one. 
I will enjoy my summer break, but will enjoy seeing some of these kids around the neighborhood.
I have already seen many, many, many of them out and about...sure do love these kiddos :)

See you next school year!

Saying Goodbye to some good friends

Well, last week, Kaylee finished up the State Cup Soccer Tournament with her team. We don't know what's in store for Kaylee next season or where she will play. It's hard saying goodbye to what we knew as our second family. Although, there are a few girls that are like family, so we will keep in touch with them.
Thanks for a great 3 year run girls! We love you!

Top from Left to Right: Savannah Loreen, Bre Eves, Madi Henderson, Brinley Smith, 
Paige Easter, Kaylee Manwaring
Bottom from Left to Right: Kylee Howell, Ahna Hullinger, Brielle Anderson, Gracie Sorensen

Go HC Storm! We will sure miss you guys! Good luck with whatever comes your way next season, we are so excited to see which teams you will all join! :)

I will sure miss the moms too!! Thanks Mary, for all our car pooling/ side line fun :))

 BFFs for LIFE!
Kaylee and Paige "Keeper" & "Sweeper"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Day of School DVD!

Pinch me!!! I cannot believe that tomorrow will be the last day of school/work for me and the girls.
I am looking forward to a nice / relaxing summer!

I was asked to make a year end DVD to be shown at our school assembly tomorrow.
I am in charge of taking all the photos throughout the school year, and then I have to narrow them down to 300 at the end of each year.  I had a lot of fun making this. I have reflected on what was one the THE BEST school years to date. I got teary-eyed watching the movie back. I will miss my 6th graders who would always pop in my office to say hi and lend a hand. 
There were some pretty special ones that I will miss dearly. (Sigh....) It's also hard to believe that my own daughter Kaylee will start her 6th grade adventure next year!

How lucky am I to be a party of this great school and help these kids.
Every kid needs a smile and high five right? I have plenty to give :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

State Cup Soccer Tournament - Game 1 - WON 4-2

Kaylee and her HCStorm soccer team qualified to play in the State Cup Soccer Tournament!
We were so excited. Kaylee was really nervous, but they WON their first game!! woot!

Great Kick Kaylee !!!

Great THROW Kaylee! 

 Great Stop Kaylee

Great Catch Kiddo! 

Heck yea! Way to throw the ball Kaylee! Awesome!!

Way to win the ball Kylee

Nice push Katie...surprised you weren't called for that one. ;) (We are red)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Such a great day with my girls!
I took them to Diamond Fork Canyon and we had well.....a blast!

We 'attempted' to make fishy-faces....but pretty much

I finally taught Kaylee how to start a fire...she did such a great job!

I must say....our roasting skills rock! They turned out PERFECT :)

Kaylee kept taking pictures, so this is the look I gave her...too funny!
I guess this is what you get when you turn over your camera to your

Kaylee and her mad smore skills....

My girls make me smile.....always :)) Such a fun day with them.

 The smores were AWESOME.....but so was the awesome blue, clear sky.
We haven't seen many days like this so far this year...((love))

We stopped at the Spanish Fork Reservoir on our way home...just for fun...

These two kiddos sure make me smile :)

I had a great Mother's Day with my girls...they sure do make me smile.
Thanks Kaylee and Kimee.....for making this mom stuff so much fun.
I love you.... XOXO

 This was the awesome sunset me and the girls got to enjoy up at the reservoir...
what a great way to end the day :)

....and, my beautiful Mother's Day flowers....