Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's for Dinner?

I love to cook. Although, has included my kids friends....and not everyone likes the same thing. 
So I tried my best.
Attempt #1 Chicken Cacciatore

 SUCCESS!! Except Kimberlee did not like the colored noodles. She thought they tasted funny.
Note to self....cook with all white noodles next time! lol

Attempt #2 Chicken Enchalada Spicy or not?
Child 1: Not spicy, but likes cheese and olives
Child 2: Not spicy, but likes cheese and olives
Child 3 (friend): Spicy, but no cheese or olives
MOM: Spicy, Cheese but NO olives...
OY! How the heck can this be done??

Left: Spicy, cheese and olives
Center: 1 with spicy and cheese
Center: 1 with spicy and no cheese
Right: No spicy but cheese and olives

Phew! I say it was a success and pain in the butt!
But hey, they all got fed and loved it :)
Oh, the things we do as moms :)

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