Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ice Breaker Tournament - Game 1

Game 1 was against Utah FC. 
They WON that game 3-0

It was COLD! Poor girls. The ground was frosted over and yet, they are not complaining :)

Pre-Game warm up. The sun is starting to come up, but its still cold.

Mary and Pat brought a space was a huge help...

Game time! The sun is finally starting to come up and getting a little warmer. 
This is a photo of the team check in.

Love these girls! Still cold even with the sun out. You can see their breath still :(

Way to be ready Kaylee!

 Team Pep Talk.

Great save Kaylee!

Kaylee is ready for the corner kick. She had 5 blocked corner kicks this game :))

Kaylee is great and booting the ball....I love her facial expressions. They are different every time!

 The 'Good Job' high five after the game. Love it!

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