Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kimee the night of her Dance Pictures

We spent 3 hours in Mapleton getting Kimberlee's Performing Team pictures done.
I am sure they will turn out fabulous, but I snapped a few as she was getting ready to go with her team.

Kimberlee's outfit for 'Dance with My Father'

Kimee's outfit for the 'Pirates' routine

She's ready...

Can't wait to see the team photos. I will post them once I receive them.
Kimee loves Turning Point Dance. I am looking forward to her St.George competition in March. :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lunch with my Kimee!

Life gets busy and we sometimes need a time-out. I pulled Kimee from class today and had her eat lunch with me in the office.....and NO, she was not in trouble...LOL

Gotta love Jimmy Johns!
But I LOVED my company much, much more!
I love you Kimee! xoxo

Monday, February 25, 2013

Training Day w/ Erica Owens - Post Tournament..

We met with Erica Owens tonight for another training.
Kaylee is starting to finally be herself around her. I think she is still star struck towards Erica. 
Kaylee had her fellow soccer mate Gracie Sorensen there, who was being trained by Kyleigh Royall who plays Midfielder for BYU Women's Soccer.
 Kaylee Manwaring - Goalkeeper - HCStorm, Erica Owens - Goalkeeper - BYU, 
Kyleigh Royall - Midfielder - BYU, Gracie Sorensen - Midfielder - HCStorm
Crossing my fingers that one day Kaylee can have BYU after her name :))))

I asked them for a goofy pose....this is what I got. Such fun role models for our daughters :)

I think if Kaylee had her way, we would print all the pictures of her and Erica and they would be like wallpaper to her bedroom. Erica has made such a positive impact on Kaylee. As a parent, how do you ever thank someone for doing this? Priceless.

The 'World Cup' pose. AKA...'The Serious Face Shot'.
Although, Kaylee looks like she's crackin a smile

Gracie was surprisingly quiet tonight. This kiddo is the life of the party when the team get's together.
Although, I know she was pretty star struck as well. I know these BYU players do not have a ton of free time. So for them to take the time to come train our girls, PLUS drive out to Spanish Fork....really means the world to us. We are so excited for the one on one training, and would not trade this experience for anything!
Thank You Erica and Kyleigh! We love your guts!

Training in action..

Hmmm...White chicks CAN jump! lol

Such a fun night!!! See you next week!

Life with 'Hashimotos'

Well, about 5 or so months ago I was diagnosed with 'Hashimotos Thyroditis'. Sounds like a huge complicated thing. I went in every 2 weeks for blood work, then it became every 6 weeks, and now I am happy to report...I have it under control and go in every 6 months!!  As long as it's under normal range, I can give blood and am not under any restrictions. I make it a point to tell the Red Cross I have this when I go in to donate. I don't want to waste their time or mine if they can't use my blood.

This pic was at Timpanogos Regional Medical Center....
one of many, many visits there. 

My doc gave me the BEST advice. He said: "You can allow this to be 90% medication and 10% attitude....OR 90% attitude and 10% medication.....

You guessed it...I chose 90% attitude. :) :)  Heaven knows I have gone through some pretty rough times medically that I have had to face head on.....this was no different. Bring it on!  Even though I have to take medication the rest of my life, it's OK. 

I am 6 months into this and feeling fantastic!!

Giving Blood

I received an urgent call from The American Red Cross needing me to give blood. I have O+ blood I receive calls often, but not like this one. This call was the real deal....someone out there needed my blood, and all I had to do was give an hour of my time. I went in with no hesitation...

 I asked one of the workers to take my pic. My girls were not sure what 'giving blood' meant...
I encourage anyone and everyone to never know when your blood will be used to save a life..

 The needle....sorry...had to post this. I thought it was interesting that he needed to outline my blood vessel...I don't like watching the needle go in, but once its there...not a big, he said I was a 'Bleeder'...I had that pint filled within 10 minutes..the two guys sitting next to me were there when I got there, and still there when I left.... :)

Once I was done, the technician said 'Here, you get red tape and I will cross it for "The American Red Cross"....too funny...

BUT!!!!!!!  I received a phone call the next day telling me my blood was used on a NICU baby and they scheduled me for my next donation.  I have no idea how that baby is doing...but thankful my blood was good enough to use :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2nd Place - Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - 2013

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - 2013
2nd Place for HC Storm U11 Premier
Score 3-3
2 OTs & A Shoot Out

Congratulations HC Storm U11 Girls
We are all so proud of you and your hard work to get this far.


Championship Game!!

Championship game

 Championship Game jitters....poor Kaylee was so sick to her stomach :(

 You know this game is a big deal when 
you have the head trainer of the club (Jeff Lewis) warm up your daughter

Kaylee's first time being Team Captain

Ready or not, the game has just started...AHHHHH!!
As Kaylee's mom, I am a nervous wreck, filled with a million emotions, trying to take pictures and cheer her on from the sidelines....all the while not sitting down and trying not to pace the

Kaylee telling her defenders to mark up..

I heard the other teams yell out several times...
 'Watch out for the big kicks"... & "Move back it's going far"...
That was music to my ears :))))) Good Job Kaylee!!!!! Yeehaw! (proud mom moment!)

They tied 3-3, so it went into OT, then double OT, and then the infamous SHOOT OUT....

To make a long story short, Kaylee missed a couple and her teammates didn't get a couple, we lost :(

They WON 2nd PLACE!!!!!!!

Kaylee immediately lost it after the game saying 'I lost it for the team'. She was so upset and crying. The head trainer, Jeff Lewis, pulled her aside and told her 'You know what the hardest position in soccer is? She says "Goalie?" he says "A Goalie in a Shoot Out".
Jeff Lewis told her to keep her head high...there is no shame in second place.

Needless to say, it was an emotional ride home and she eventually got over it, learned from it and now she is back to her old self :)

Here is the link to one of her awesome PK Blocks:

PK shot - Click Here

Semi- Finals

HC Storm made the Semi - Finals!!!
They WON this game 3-1
I didn't take very many pics of this game...this momma was a nervous wreck!

Kaylee telling her defense to mark up

CONGRATS HC STORM U11 Premier girls!!

Ice Breaker Tournament - Game 3

HC Storm played Impact FC
They also WON this game 5-0

 Great kick the face :)

 Keeping her eye on the ball and head in the game.

 Talking with the teammate during the game....not sure what they

More great kicks..

Ice Breaker Tournament - Game 1

Game 1 was against Utah FC. 
They WON that game 3-0

It was COLD! Poor girls. The ground was frosted over and yet, they are not complaining :)

Pre-Game warm up. The sun is starting to come up, but its still cold.

Mary and Pat brought a space was a huge help...

Game time! The sun is finally starting to come up and getting a little warmer. 
This is a photo of the team check in.

Love these girls! Still cold even with the sun out. You can see their breath still :(

Way to be ready Kaylee!

 Team Pep Talk.

Great save Kaylee!

Kaylee is ready for the corner kick. She had 5 blocked corner kicks this game :))

Kaylee is great and booting the ball....I love her facial expressions. They are different every time!

 The 'Good Job' high five after the game. Love it!

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament

 We headed down to St.George over President's Day weekend for the Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament.
We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express....we loved it!

Seriously? Who needs a fireplace in a hotel room?? lol

...and....this hugemungo bath tub?? too funny

Gotta love outdoor heated pools! We enjoyed mid to upper 60s with lots and lots of sunshine!

Hotel Toilet paper these girls!

We took Paige down with us and her parents were not due to arrive til later that night. We wanted to freak them out a little bit, so we gave Paige a 'Fake Injury'. But for some reason, my phone would not text her mom a photo....maybe it was a sign! LOL

During the tournament a few hot air balloons passed over head. Can you see this crystal clear blue sky!! Not sure I wanted to come back home to all the cold and inversion!

 Hotel hallway fun...

More fun...Kaylee is in Purple..apparently, she didn't get the memo on wearing RED..

The girls took over our hotel rooms to watch movies, we had no where else to go!

Shari taught all of us how to play "Spoons". 
Yeah, I was eliminated after the 3rd round..Kaylee lasted til the 5th round.
Fun times...