Monday, January 21, 2013

Personal Keeper Training w/ Erica Owen

We got in touch with Erica Owens to give Kaylee personal Goal Keeper trainings. Kaylee idolizes Erica who currently plays Goal Keeper for the Women's BYU Soccer team. She worked Kaylee hard today, but it was one of her best trainings. We are so excited to have Erica train Kaylee!! She has made a little girls dream come true! Maybe one day... Kaylee will get the opportunity to play for BYU :))))

 Kaylee and Erica Owens - BYU Women's Soccer Goalie (she is a Senior this year)

 Kaylee learning some pretty darn good hand/foot skills

 Erica had Kaylee balance on one foot while Erica threw the ball at her. Kaylee was required to catch it with one hand only. Kaylee did great!

 I love that I have access to the school gym. Seeing how there is a foot of snow outside, this has been a great blessing for another option. Kaylee is getting ready for a tournament in 3 weeks in St.George. We are hoping to play in something other than 5

 I LOVE the one-on-one. 
Erica was so great to work with and looking forward to MANY more trainings with her :)

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