Thursday, June 12, 2014

Last Day of School...Thank you's

On the last day of school, I received many unexpected 'Thank you' cards.
How nice is this??!!! They even included Kneaders gift cards....((love))

This was so sweet, it really made my day :) I love what I do and love that I call this my job :)

We love Kaylee's Soccer Coaches!

In May, Kaylee's season was wrapping up and I wanted to do something cute to say "Thank you" and this is what I came up with...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Secretary's Day - 2014

Today was an amazing day!!
I love my job and love who I work with, so it was just another day.
It's everything else that made it extra special...

This is what was there when I showed up this morning...

WOW! I am truly humbled and grateful!!

Then a class came and hung this up to see....

Then this 5th grade class came in and sang us a song which was awesome!

to my surprise, our custodian Andy gave this to me :)

Then came the awesome treats by the teachers who know my diet ((love))

How can you not laugh when you see this cute kid pose and wink his eye at you..
too stinkin' cute!!!! I love him!

Ok. I had to get an official photo without me laughing...

Terena stood on a chair because she didn't want to be short
I just love these ladies I work with, we see and hear it all...I couldn't have picked
better coworkers. I love you ladies with all my heart. You are a big reason why I love my job so much.
Happy Secretary's Day ladies!!!

Kaylee's Graduation 6th Grade!!?? Say it aint so!

My daughter is growing up so fast.
I cannot believe she is finishing up her 6th grade year and going into Jr. High!!

I am so proud of the person that you are.
I am excited for your future and what life has in store for you.
I love you bugga boo!

Orange Peel....yes, please!

After Kaylee's soccer practice we went to Orange Peel...
It was yummy!!!

Jackpot Winner!

I took Kimee to Nickel Cade and it didn't take long before she won a 1000 ticket Jackpot.
Way to go Kimee!!

Easter 2014 Fun....

Kimee, Mom, Kaylee
Photo taken outside in front of the house after church

 Goofy photo

Daddy and his girls...

Aunt Margie invited us over for dinner.
This table was decorated so beautifully!

Do you like this look of Jason??? EWW, not me! This looks creepy!
Kaylee is behind him and she flipped her hair over to make Jason look like he had hair...hahaha

Pre Egg hunt stretches or whatnot

Ready, set, go!

Kaylee has you beat Rob!

Showing off their LOOT!!

Aunt Margie and Uncle Dell had a gift for my girls..

Generation girls...
Kaylee, Tiffany, Margie and Kimberlee

Thanks Aunt Margie! We enjoyed spending time together and appreciate the yummy dinner!
Happy Easter 2014!