Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Feeling Blessed...

Feeling blessed with the place that I live and watch my kids grow up in..
I love Spanish Fork, UT :)

Congratulations to me! I have finished my treatments!!


I owe my life to this man! Thank you Dr. Stadler!
Red River changed my life for the better! I don't know what I would have done without their help!
I wish I could refer the world to them, they were wonderful to work with :)

(Stay tuned...they asked me to be on Good Things Utah on March 31st )

This is what I bought Dr. Stadler as a thank you.
He made me eat fruit so I bought him a box of Edible apples covered in everything he made me
eat as a new food....lol  He about died laughing hahahaha!

Poor Jason :(

Jason cut his finger on a router at work today....OUCH!!

It's 8:30pm and he is OUT!
Poor guy has worked so much and now has an injured finger :(( I feel so bad for him.

One on One Training with Erica Owens (BYU Keeper)

Kaylee was so excited to start having trainings again.
We thought it would be fun to go buy gatorade and Twizzlers nibs.since they are both their favorites.
Erica Owens thought it would be fun to make the cheesiest smile..
These two crack me up!

Some balancing training

I love that Erica is not only showing her how to do it, but is actually doing the drills with her!

How many girls can they say are getting 'professionally' trained! (we can! woot!)

Erica is the bob.com  We just love her to death!


Kaylee and I were 'one of those people' who headed to Walmart at midnight to buy 'Frozen'
Surprisingly, we were roughly the 30th person in line. 
We got it!! woohoo!!

This is as good as we'll look for midnight ;)
Photo bomb is courtesy of our fun neighbor Jill who we had no idea was there :)))

Poor Kaylee! :(

I apologize ahead of time for the contents of this post..its pretty personal for Kaylee
I am posting it for future reference reasons...

Kaylee was in fifth grade when she first 'started' as you could say.
She has struggled the past few months of being on it more than she is off it.
So, today we headed to the OBGYN office...

They took her blood (we'll know the results tomorrow)

She was so brave!!!
After the office staff got over the shock of her only being in the 6th grade,
they walked her through the whole process of what they were going to do...
They even gave her red tape to match her shirt! :) love it!

I never thought I would see the day when they would have to put her on birth control.
Obviously, she is not sexually active, they have to regulate her and this is the only way to do it.
There are way more benefits for her to be on this too...hopefully as she gets older this will prevent alot
of things that I had to go through (medically and whatnot).

She is excited to start feeling 'normal' again and I am happy there are solutions out there for her.

Kaylee Tutoring

Kaylee was an awesome help this week!
I had a student that needed some help with an assignment and the office got really busy,
I asked her if she wouldn't mind helping him during her lunch recess..and she did!
I have such a great daughter(s)!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


U13 Futsal CHAMPIONS!!!
Good job Utah Storm! The game tied 4-4 then went to a shoot out.
Each team had 5 shots each. Kaylee blocked ALL five shots!!!!!
Since we made one of the shots in, we WON!!!!

Celebration time!!

Love these girls!!

Yup, you're #1

Pre-game prayer.. I love that they do this!

Assistant coach Ryan giving Kaylee a pep talk before the shoot out



My battery was almost dead, so I could not get all the photos of her blocks. I wanted to save the battery for the end 'just in case' they won...
and they did!! Good Job Kaylee! You and your team played awesome!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Matching QT!

Kimberlee was so excited! We were getting ready for bed and she comes into my room
saying "MOM! LOOK! I'm going to wear my "compression socks" too!
This was too cute not to post.  We are loving the polka dot in our family lately :)