Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Practice is always better with a popsicle!

Kaylee's soccer team had a beautiful day to practice outside.
I ran down to fresh market and bought a couple bags of popsicles.
When practice was over, I walked on the field and asked these girls if they wanted one..
Oh my! I was literally attacked! These girls are serious about their popsicles!!! lol
The funny thing is, they had no idea I was bringing them. 
Cute, cute girls! (Kaylee is wearing the green socks)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Black and Yellow Monday!

This is what happens when you show up to work on a Monday morning...
You find out that your closest co-workers and yourself have all decided to wear the same colors
Our boss (principal) wore a yellow shirt and black pants, but refused to take a 'family photo' lol

I love my lovely ladies!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

This is what happenes when you have a camera in your hand...

I was taking photos of our spelling bee winners and was headed back to the office. 
I passed Kaylee's class and they all wanted me to take their picture. They know I am the
one who puts together the end of year DVD for the whole school to see.
So, when they see me with a camera, they beg me to take their pic...too funny!

Love these kids. It will be sad not to have Kaylee here next year :(

Melt My Heart Cute!

These two cute 1st graders have to wait in the office everyday after school.
They are waiting for their day care bus to arrive.

Today, Kaegan (middle) offered me one of her candy bars.
I knew I couldn't eat it (because of the milk) so I told her thanks and
gave it back to her and explained why I couldn't have it.
Her response was priceless...she said "Oh that's too bad for you, but that works great for me"
I about died laughing!!! Such a cute girl!
So, I had to take my pic with her...and they call this my job. I love it!

Valentine's Day Surprise!

How sweet is this!!
I work with the best people!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - Pool Party!!

Nice jump Kaylee!

Perfect formation Claire!

Such a fun weekend with the soccer girls!

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - Team Dinner at Brick Oven!

Every year, I make a reservation at Brick Oven for the team
This year was no different.
Plus, if you know me, it's someone's birthday everytime we go out with someone new..hahahaha
We decided our target was going to be coach Duncan!

 SURPRISE!!! Happy Birthday coach Duncan!!! LOL
I think she is surprised it's her birthday too!! hahahaha classic!

Team photo with the birthday girl!
Can you tell she is still shocked! it!

"Soccer player table"

"The Parents Table"

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - Game 3 - Tied 0-0

These girls tied all 3 games 0-0 !!
Kaylee had a PERFECT tournament not being scored on!!
WAY TO GO KAYLEE!! We are so proud of you!

Such a special group of girls on and off the field. Good Job to HC Storm U13 girls!!

Nice drop kick passed the mid field mark! Maybe when it gets warmer, 
we'll practice these and you can just score a goal from a drop kick!

AMBER!!!! Thanks for watching Kaylee today!!
Amber plays on the U14 team with HC Storm

 I love my HC Storm daughters!! ;) 
Can you believe these girls are 2 years older than Kaylee! 
She would LOVE to play with them, but you can only play up 1 year not 2 :(
But hey, these are great girls and they will be in 9th grade next year when Kaylee goes into 7th :)

Kaylee and two crack me up!

What a fun tournament!

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - Game 2 - Tied 0-0

Game 2 tied 0-0 !!! Way to go girls!!
Who said Gold bracket would be hard? Oh yeah, I did...I was proven wrong!
These girls played hard and played great!
Good job Kaylee on another shut out!!

Another great goal kick Kaylee!

Good job Joely! One against 4 and you beat them all!

Good job Ahna! You may be the smallest player on our team, but you are one of the toughest!

Kaylee and Kaitlyn (white) had some fellow HC Storm player come watch them play.
Such a fun soccer family of many many HC Storm teams! :) I love these girls!

Kaitlyn and Kaylee...good friends and good teammates!

 Kenny and Jason - Just a couple of Dads watching their daughters kick butt!
Kenny is such a nice person. He is a realtor here in Spanish Fork and one of the
nicest most genuine person you will meet.  Its been fun getting to know him and his family :)

Ice Breaker Soccer Tournament - Game 1 - Tied 0-0

Kaylee's coach requested the silver bracket for the soccer tournament.
They put us in GOLD instead....oh boy.

Game 1 - Tied 0-0 AWESOME! 
Nothing got passed Kaylee!

Pre-game warm up

pep talk from Coach Duncan

Great goal kick Kaylee bug!

Another mom on our team likes the Eagles...Yeah....GO STEELERS! lol

Pioneer Park - St. George, UT

We headed to St. George for Kaylee's Ice Breaker soccer tournament
Sunday was her day off, so we went exploring in St. George..

Here are some pics of our fun day!

Codi, Gracie, Kaylee, Kimee and Tiff

2014 Science Fair Projects!

'Tis that time again for science fair projects..Oh joy!

The girls wanted to do similar things....yea@

Kimberlee's was : "What is the most common color in a package of M&M's?"

Kaylee's was : "What is the most common color in a package of Skittles?"

Of course we needed to make it look clean cut and simple. Check and check!

Phew! That was Kaylee last science fair because she goes into Jr.High and Kimee will have one more...