Wednesday, September 25, 2013

day 40 of my detox - back to 110lbs. and feeling amazing!!!

Amen to this!!

I sure do love this man ((Love))

Quote of they day....I am letting go of what I can't change.

Sleeping Beauty

Me, Kaylee and Kimee went out shopping. On our way home we found Kimee sound asleep!
Our sleeping beauty must have had fun because she crashed hard on the drive home ((love))

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Gluten-Free AND Sea Salt?? YES!!!

If you know me, you know I LOVE popcorn. With my new diet, popcorn has been something I have missed.
I was given the green light to try Corn. (frozen corn, corn tortillas, etc.)
The only down side, is I had to find something made with sea salt or no salt at all.
I heard that Winco in Orem has a good selection of Gluten-Free, so I decided to check it out.
...and what do you know I found this!!!!!
I am such a happy girl right now. I miss food like no other, and was super excited for this 'treat' :))))
It even tastes great too!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bus Duty in the RAIN!

Who needs a faculty swim party when you can have after school bus duty!

Terena, Tiffany, Danielle and Crystal

I went out to bus duty first so I had the umbrella. We were trying to get the kids loaded on the buses as fast as we could.
The rain started and I was telling one bus driver to dismiss the seating arrangement and get the kids on the bus....
She didn't like that, but I said (well... yelled actually) "These kids are getting soaked, get them loaded NOW!" ...
needless to say, she listened. Those poor kids were going home wet and cold...then again, we were soaked too!

Oh good times ladies. Makes a good story, we just froze our butts off till we had to go home. Ha!

Peanut Butter Bars..I can't eat 'em, so I may as well make 'em

I have a fabulous recipe for Peanut Butter I decided to make them.
I follow the recipe exact each time and it never fails....
They look so dang good, but it has gluten, so I cannot have any....
I took this tray to work and didn't come home with any :)))

My girls think I'm 'weird' for taking pictures of the food I make
I cannot wait until I can start eating again. I am excited to try gluten free recipes...
So far , I'm still Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free and Sugar-Free....
January is the target month, but it all depends on how my body responds to treatment...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hashimotos - Phase 2 - Adrenal system

Can I just say I feel FANTASTIC!
I haven't felt this great in a long, long time. I started phase 2 of my detox on far so good!
My Adrenal system is all out of this is what I have to take...

The large bottle on the left needs to stay refrigerated. I have to take 1 Tablespoon twice a day.
The cream is 3 times a day
The two herbal supplements are 3 times a day before I eat..

I was a bit nervous for this stuff. However, it tastes like orange yea!
Plus, I only have to take 1 Tablespoon twice a day :))

This cream is supposed to keep my adrenals at a consistent level. They are finding I bottom out during the day.
This cream is applied in the 3 key areas as the previous stuff (thyroid gland, back of knee, wrist and/or inner elbows.

This is all pretty cool stuff.  I love that it's all natural.

Dr.Stadler is giving me the green light to exercise lightly on Friday..YIPPPEEEE!!!
I have been craving a workout for sometime now, I have been begging him non stop to allow me to start.
I get to moderately exercise every other day starting this Friday. Which means only a 20 minute treadmill workout on a low speed.
I'm ok with that! Can't wait!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Keeper Pics

Kaylee needed some photos for her Student Council application, so we took a few...
Here are a few of my favorites!

Ok...those are some major back leg muscles kiddo....sheesh!

A Birthday girl needs some birthday ice cream, right?

Sisters forever ((LOVE))

I'm such a lucky mom to have these two beautiful daughters to call my own :))

Quote of the day...

Soccer is everywhere!

Kaylee about died when she saw this IPod case at Justice....

Pretty cool case if you ask me :)

Praise Note for Kimee :)

At Sierra Bonita Elementary, we try and aknowledge all the good things that students do for one another.
One of those things are called Praise Notes. If a student is caught doing something kind for someone else, they are given a Praise Note.
Every Friday during morning announcements, the principal reads those students name who earned a praise note.
Their picture is taken and gets displayed in the school bulletin board.
Kimee received a priase note and is part of the first group for the  2013-2014 school year!
Good Job Kiddo!!

Kimee is back row-right with the cute glasses and headband.
Good Job Kimberlee!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kaylee is running for Student Council!!!

Kaylee decided to run for student council and was asked to submit an application.
In that application were these questions:
Why do you think you would be an amazing Student Council Representative?
If you had to define good leadership, what would the definition say?

So, we decided to combine the two and tie it into what she does best...and that is play soccer...
Instead of filling out the form, we decided to make a Resume style application with pictures...You gotta stand out right? :)
Here is her application form:

Good luck running for Student Council Kaylee!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy 12th Birthday Kaylee bug!

Happy 12th Birthday to my Kaylee bugs!

Happy Birthday to my soccer loving, keeper playing, all star Kaylee!
I am so proud of the person you have become so far...
I love so many things about you...
*I love that I became a mom because of you
* I love that you are compassionate towards others
*I love that you are a team player and a team leader
* I love that you love your sister to the moon and back
* I love that you are a SHNDN - (Inside joke)
* I love your beautiful smile and confidence that shines through it
* I love that you have many friends from all walks of life. YOU are the best kind of friend to have.
* I love you for being you! 
I love you! Love, MOM

Her awesome Soccer Cupcakes that she is taking to her school class :))

Happy Birthday, Kaylee!